Our Mission?

Championing theatre that’s got guts!

We are a Black, queer, female-led company, but make no mistake about it: we wish to hear and tell any and all stories that strike a cord, start a debate and ask tough, harrowing questions!  

We are looking for bold, innovative and even experimental theatre, here at HHTC.

Make us laugh, cry, ponder things we may never have given much thought before, question our morals and ethics, our priorities and allegiances — take us by the hand as you lead us into your world and shake ours to the core, give us a gentle tap on the back, or a much-needed slap in the face.

Move us, in every sense of the term.

P.S. Our theatre company has NO affiliations with the estate of Audrey Hepburn, or the estate of bell hooks.


Our Team